The Daily X OS: Wisdom Course
Welcome to The Daily X OS (The Daily Christian Operating System): Wisdom Course!
I'm so glad you've decided to consider embarking on this 21-day journey to explore the wonderful gift of divine wisdom. Over the next 3 weeks, we'll take a few minutes each day to discover how God’s wisdom and knowledge can liberate us, empower us, and enable us to truly enjoy our relationship with God and others.
In this course, we will study the topic of wisdom from a Christian perspective. It has been said that wisdom discerns the difference between things and people. There is an obvious difference between a wise person and a fool. With today's internet access, there is no shortage of examples showcasing foolish people doing dumb things and paying a high price for their lack of wisdom.
I believe that if we ever needed wisdom and understanding, it is now! Godly wisdom seems to be in short supply. I am optimistic that if you commit to the journey of becoming a Daily Christian, God's wisdom will begin to transform your life from the inside out!
Topics We Will Cover:
- Welcome! What Is Wisdom?
- Wisdom's Origins And Ultimate Goal
- God's Ultimate Guide For Wisdom
- Ask God To Teach You His Paths
- The Words Of The Wise Bring Healing
- God’s Word Cannot Be Ignored
- God’s Word Shows Us What Is Good
- God’s Word Will Equip You For Life
- God's Words Bring Healing
- Wise People Stay Loyal And Kind
- Allow God’s Word to Dwell With You
- It Is Wise To Use God’s Word As A Foundation For Your Life
- The Wise Person Understands Ultimate Accountability Before God
- It Is Wise To Ask God For Directions Each Day
- God’s Wisdom Refreshes Your Soul And Brightens Your Eyes
- It Is Wise To Request A Divine Assessment Of Your Heart
- God’s Truth Guides Us In Life
- God Can Open The Eyes Of The Wise To See What Is Hidden
- The Wise Do Not Fear Bad News Because They Trust In God
- The Wise Treat God’s Word As Truth
- It Is Wise To Think About God’s Wisdom At All Times
- The Wise Person Loves the Word Of God
- God’s Wisdom Requires Self-Examination
- The Wise Put Their Trust In God And Refused To Fear What Mere Humans Can Do To Them
- Congratulations and Thank You
So here's what you can expect over the next 21 days:
- First, 3 longer introductory emails to help you understand our need for divine wisdom.
- 21 short daily emails (2–4 minute reads) with simple peace principles and practices
- Opportunities to put the daily principle into practice
- Encouragement to help you build a consistent and enjoyable, wisdom-filled life
Are you ready to get started? Great!
- There are no costs associated with the purchase of this course.
- Simply ignore the suggested price and type $0.00 in the Fair Price box, and press the "I want this!" button. (If you wish to support us, please type in a fair price you wish to pay to show your appreciation for the work we present for free.)
Keep an eye out for the first email in the course, which will arrive in your inbox within 60 minutes. Most emails will require about 2–4 minutes of reading time. Enjoy!
Iann Schonken
PS. It is easy to unsubscribe if you don't wish to receive further emails in the series.
3 Welcome emails to this EEC (educational email course) plus 21 daily training emails (requires about 2-4 mins per day).